House Rigel is going to be turned upside down and not everyone is going to be receptive to these changes.
Lord Oryon and Lady Isis of House Rigel are returning home from an historic meeting of the Assembly of Lords. Their universe has drastically changed in the last weeks since they arrived on Tornian and both are trying to adjust.
For Oryon, he was amazed how his Isis had blossomed. The support and companionship of the Earth females had given her a confidence he had never realized she lacked. She now touched him as she said she had always wanted to. She rested with him every night and was demanding to take a more active role in their lives.
For Isis, she couldn’t believe the things Earth females considered normal, that she had never known were possible. Resting with a male. Going when and where they wanted to go and talking to whomever they wanted to. Being involved in the running of their own House and then there was the amazing things they had told her that males and females could do together… during Joining.
House Rigel is going to be turned upside down and not everyone is going to be receptive to these changes.
*Please note that this book was previously released in Love Without Boundaries.