I just got home from Father’s Day with my family and saw that Treyvon Audio has hit #1!! Thank you so much everyone! Buy Links: Audible Amazon iTunes
Posts Categorized: Kaliszians Series
Treyvon is out now in Audiobook
Treyvon is out now in Audiobook. I hope you enjoy this audio version of Jen and Treyvon’s story. Audible iTunes (coming soon) Amazon
Treyvon Audiobook is Coming Soon
Treyvon is in ‘review’ on Audible which means the audiobook will be released in the next couple of weeks. While you wait, you can listen to a sample by clicking on the link below.
Treyvon, Kaliszians Series Book 2
Treyvon, Kaliszians Book 2 Now out! Buy here: Amazon Paperback Amazon Amazon UK Amazon Canada Amazon Australia Amazon Germany Amazon France Kobo iBooks B&N Blurb: General Treyvon Rayner is the Supreme Commander of the Kaliszian Defenses. He is the cousin and trusted friend of the Kaliszian Emperor, Emperor Liron Kalinin, in spite of Treyvon’s ancestor…
Release Date for Treyvon
I am thrilled to announce that Treyvon will be released on Tuesday February 28th 2017. And yes I will be doing a preorder for it. Preorder here: Paperback Amazon Amazon UK Amazon Canada Amazon Australia Amazon Germany Amazon France Kobo iBooks B&N I am sorry for the delays with Treyvon and so I wanted to…