I am thrilled to announce that Treyvon will be released on Tuesday February 28th 2017. And yes I will be doing a preorder for it.
Preorder here:
Amazon UK
Amazon Canada
Amazon Australia
Amazon Germany
Amazon France
I am sorry for the delays with Treyvon and so I wanted to thank you for your patience by sharing the first chapter of Treyvon with my newsletter subscribers this Saturday January 28. If you do not get my newsletter, now is your chance to sign up so you can get a sneak peak at Treyvon. You can sign up here: Newsletter Signup
Thank you to everyone for your support and for waiting for Treyvon. One of my beta readers said “I was in reading heaven today as I curled up with Treyvon. Loved it! Great story and it sucked me right in.” I really hope the waiting will be worth it for you.
I will let you know as soon as the preorder links are available and in the meantime will keep you up to date here with regular posts and excerpts from Treyvon.
Would you also do me a favor and share this with your friends in case they don’t see my note. Thank you.
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