Okay… Wow… What else can I say?
Well I need to thank a few people… okay a lot of people who made my life what it is today.
To my family and friends. Thank you for supporting me on this new path my life is taking. It’s one I never thought would really be possible but here I am on it.
To Judy H. You were the first person to reach out to me after Grim. You explained web domains, websites and we’d talk until the battery on your cell phone would die. Our trip to Vegas is one for the books:). Thank you my friend.
To Judy B and Donna. Thank you ladies for the amazing covers. How you know how to get what’s in my head on a cover I’ll never know. It’s been great to work with you.
To Susan. Your support… I can never tell you what it’s meant to me. You answered all my ‘stupid’ questions and never made me feel stupid. You helped broaden my world and introduced me to the most amazing people!
To Sally, Julie, Fern and Beth. You ladies are AMAZING!!! You challenge me, give me your honest opinions and make my writing better. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you.
To Reese. Your friendship has come to mean so much to me. How many meltdowns have we been through together now? You’ve helped me, supported me and been one of my biggest supporters. Thank you for being my friend.
To Narelle. How you do what you do I will never understand. You keep me on track with all that ‘social’ media that I don’t understand and my kids laugh at me about. I’m excited to see what you have in store for me next.
And to my fans…..
What can I say but I have the BEST!
Without all of YOU none of this would even have been possible. YOU have been patient when there have been long delays between books. You’ve commented on my blog, left reviews and sent me emails. You’ve always been supportive and vocal and have spread the word about my books to your friends.
I promise I will keep on writing and hope you enjoy my future offerings as much as you have what I’ve done so far.
With sincere thanks,
Michelle Eidem
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